New York Times: Ethanol In Hand Sanitizer Contains Carcinogenic Contaminant


According to the New York Times & Reuters, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on 15 April 2020 issued limits on certain chemicals permitted in alcohol-based hand sanitizer, updating temporary guidance it adopted last month as the health crisis deepened and more manufacturers registered to produce hand sanitizer.

Since then, the FDA has notified several fuel ethanol companies that their product does not meet safety standards, forcing them to halt production and cancel supply agreements.

In one case, the FDA said it had found significant levels of the carcinogen acetaldehyde in ethanol supplied by a company for use in hand sanitizer, according to a recent email exchange seen by Reuters.

“FDA has reviewed your ethanol data and determined that it is not acceptable as an ingredient under the Agency’s temporary hand sanitizer policies,” it wrote.

The Squeakie Gold Standard…

We’re so passionate about our Squeakie formula because we know we’re keeping your body free from everyday toxic chemicals, reducing your synthetic chemical burden and looking after the long-term wellbeing of you and your family. Squeakie’s pure and sustainable milk whey alcohol is derived from cow milk. The lactose or milk sugar in the whey is fermented by lactose specific yeast, which metabolizes the lactose to produce alcohol. Squeakie’s pure milk whey alcohol is the highest grade of alcohol and uniquely includes no unlisted toxic denaturants and contains zero chemicals that are detrimental to your health & wellbeing.

What type of alcohol is in your hand sanitiser?


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