A truly great hand sanitiser formula takes a lot of love…

Yes you can whip up an average hand sanitizer quickly but a great one takes time. We know from experience.

Hasty formulation means the focus is on speed & profit, not quality. And unfortunately that is what we’ve seen with the hand sanitisers that are flooding the market in the wake of coronavirus.

You can’t create a premium 100% natural hand sanitiser serum that meets WHO, CDC & EWG guidelines, and that makes your hands feel A-mazing, without a lot of development, love and stability testing.

Thumbs up

We wholeheartedly support the hand sanitisers that have been hastily made to genuinely help people in a time of crisis and shortage, and we fully support those who have done that 🙂

Thumbs down

On the other hand, there are hand sanitizers that have been made quickly, without stability testing, and without a lot of care, for less honourable reasons. The hand sanitiser shortage has eased and now opportunists have flooded the market with average or poor formulas. So many opportunistic hand sanitisers have been made with only a care to make money during Coronavirus. These opportunists have also contributed to world wide hand sanitiser and packaging shortages. Meaning the world wide hand sanitizer market is flooded with very average,  or at worse, bad hand sanitisers made quickly and cheaply and sold to consumers at hugely inflated prices.  Massive thumbs down.

We are proud to say that Squeakie existed well before coronavirus…

Our award winning Squeakie with 5 star reviews was founded by a Mum and a daughter in 2014. We are passionate about protecting you from both germs and nasty chemicals, and making your skin feel spectacular. Our all natural, unique healing serum means people with sensitive skin or who just don’t want dry and irritated skin can use Squeakie, and our serum gel ensures maximum coverage and protection against germs.

We have looked at every possible option that is best for you in a hand sanitizer and put that into Squeakie. That doesn’t happen overnight. That takes time and love, like all great personal care products do. We love the Oprah quote that the love is in the detail, and thats what Squeakie is all about to create the world’s premium hand sanitiser.

No opportunistic fly by nighters looking to cash in here!

A Squeakie Update on Hand Sanitisers and Coronavirus

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